GS R5521

GeneralScan R5521

GS R5521 with Zebra engine SE4770 allows workers to quickly capture barcodes whether the scanner or the barcode is in motion. It has extraordinary working range, which can capture barcodes farther than away. It also can capture photos for proof of delivery and damage claims, as well as documents. It features dual-mode Bluetooth 4.0 technology and support three Bluetooth modes, which significantly increases productivity and reduces error rates. It also features NFC, vibration alerts, AI identifier recognition, real-time transmission and batch data offline upload, providing a perfect solution for warehouse, distribution center, manufacturing, etc.


Scan Engine

Zebra SE4770


Working Hour



Field of View

Horizontal: 48º, Vertical 30º


Scan View

Skew±60°,Pitch±60°,Roll 360°


Optical Resolution

1280 x 800 pixels


Sensor Technology

Global shutter



White LED


Aiming LED

Red Laser


View Product Spec Sheet

Button CTA

$50 towards a new Generalscan wearable barcode scanner!

Send us any scanner from any manufacturer, and we will give you a generous $50 credit towards the purchase of a brand new scanner from our cutting-edge lineup!

  • $50 trade in value
  • One for One trade in / purchase only
  • No cash value or equivalent
  • Limited time
  • Any manufacturer
  • Working or broken (substantially complete though)
*Scanner must be substantially complete. We will not accept a pile of parts. Scanner has no cash or equivalent value and is for a one to one purchase only.