Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Ball and Socket Tank Mount Model TBSM

Ball and Socket Mounting assembly for single ended beams w/threaded load hole, TSBSS, NSB-SS, 65023-SS, 9123. The weighing vessel will be on a top mounting plate that has a ball and socket for alignment. The ball and socket has a threaded rod that screws into the load cell. Stainless steel. Add load cell from Beam section.

$50 towards a new Generalscan wearable barcode scanner!

Send us any scanner from any manufacturer, and we will give you a generous $50 credit towards the purchase of a brand new scanner from our cutting-edge lineup!

  • $50 trade in value
  • One for One trade in / purchase only
  • No cash value or equivalent
  • Limited time
  • Any manufacturer
  • Working or broken (substantially complete though)
*Scanner must be substantially complete. We will not accept a pile of parts. Scanner has no cash or equivalent value and is for a one to one purchase only.